The Unthinkable Became Normal
A world in which everything once unthinkable became normal, would not be livable.
Read More The Unthinkable Became Normala novel, and a website about science, progress and culture
A world in which everything once unthinkable became normal, would not be livable.
Read More The Unthinkable Became NormalThis is the first in a series of posts introducing characters from the novel Quantum Cannibals Alex is a secondary character in Quantum Cannibals. He’s a renowned poet whose wife tells a friend “Alex likes young men and boys.” The character was inspired by the pederasty of beat poet and cultural icon Allen Ginsberg. He […]
Read More Sexy Cuties: Art or Abomination?The novel Quantum Cannibals has a large cast of characters, some evil, some saintly. Most are complex, neither black nor white. A person can be a good character, but simply confused when facing an impossible situation. All of the characters in the book are intended to reflect back on our non-fictional world, to say something […]
Read More Trying To Be a Good Character