Comments on: Sexual Violence- Twice a Victim a novel, and a website about science, progress and culture Wed, 23 Oct 2019 04:01:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin Wed, 23 Oct 2019 04:01:03 +0000 In reply to Esti.

The pendulum has swung so far that it’s gone over the top, and is completely loopy.
No sane person would ever consider you a snowflake.

By: Esti Wed, 23 Oct 2019 03:52:15 +0000 I agree with you. It’s a rare occasion…
I was groped. I was catcalled. I was attacked by a pedophile (he kissed me on the mouth and stuck his cigar stinking tongue in my throat). I was insulted and called a whore. I was treated like an object. I was beaten. I was.
But I responded forcefully. I had/have agency. I am not a snowflake, a victim, or a powerless bag of brittle bones. I did not need therapy. My attackers did and still do.
I refused to take the “sensitivity test”. It was an affront I would not brook. My son had to take the course. Twice. He transferred universities and the “credit” was not considered valid. When he TAs he needs to record and film every meeting with students, lest they turn around and “me too” him. This is a travesty that turns every male into an attacker. Not a potential criminal, but a genetically predisposed sexual offender who cannot prove his credentials to this gaggle of over zealous social justice warriors.
The world has gone nuts.
Maybe the pendulum will swing again, maybe equilibrium and real justice will reign. I am pessimistic.
