Comments on: Phase Transition: What Can We Kill? a novel, and a website about science, progress and culture Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:45:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: flip Mon, 20 Apr 2015 12:45:44 +0000 Richard, that perception already exists. In popular entertainment culture, that is, movies, books, and so on, humans are slaughtered without a second thought.

Kill a dog or a horse, though, and the banshees begin to scream.

By: admin Mon, 20 Apr 2015 03:23:15 +0000 In reply to Richard L. Kent, Esq..

Read it again. I am saying we are very different from animals, despite the physical, including genetic, similarities

By: Richard L. Kent, Esq. Mon, 20 Apr 2015 01:02:01 +0000 This is evil and is nakedly immoral. Once you say that animals are the same as humans, in the end you say that humans are the same as animals and you can slaughter them with the same impunity. (Actually, we DO slaughter humans with the same impunity, so long as they are in utero. For now at least.)

Human dignity means something. Abandon it and we abandon civilization for barbarism.
