Comments on: ISIS Is Right a novel, and a website about science, progress and culture Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:57:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: ISIS Is Right | BlazingCatFur Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:57:32 +0000 […] ISIS is a pathologically brutal organization trying to make the world a better place. Who can disagree with making the world a better place? You may not agree with their definition of “a better place,” but can you really say their hearts are evil? A restored Caliphate is an ancient Muslim dream, and these hardworking, dedicated psychopaths stand a good chance of making their dream come true. […]

By: admin Mon, 01 Sep 2014 20:19:51 +0000 I disagree about it being time to restart proselyting. Judaism does not aver that one must be Jewish to be right with God. It’s much easier, in fact, for non-Jews. If someone takes on the obligation of the mitzvot and then fails to follow them, he is in a worse position than if he never took them on at all.
Many Christian leaders have adopted a de-facto ceasefire or alliance with Judaism, while others have sharpened their anti-Judaic stance in a vain attempt to appease their Muslim overlords.

By: Maury Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:00:53 +0000 Judaism ceased to be a coercive missionary faith 2,500 years ago. it does not mean that movements did not exist to encourage others to accept Judaism as their faith. It was post-second temple persecution by more aggressively proselytizing faiths that ended Jewish missionary activity. It is time to restart it. In fact, a cease-fire and cooperation agreement between Judaism and Christianity in the face of the threat of Muslim hegemony would be the wisest means of combating Islamic extremism in the infidel world!
